Conversation which was conducted by both professors as if the planet top turned on an infinite orbit. So it often happens if scientists cannot compromise and defend the extreme views. Especially unpromising is a dispute when the speech comes about the Universe birth prime cause! |
ВСЕГО: * 22: 2 (очень плохо) | |
Сред. 2.00 Дисп. 0.00. Cnt 2 Всего оценок: 1657779 Рейтинг: Сорок лучших Рейтинг: Топ-500 Рейтинг: Избранное | 2 2018/09/28 12:39:08 Mozilla/5.0 176.117.xx.xx 2 2018/09/28 11:58:16 Mozilla/5.0
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