At the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI cc. the fourth and the fifth generations of human rights were revealed in Russia, which were respectively named as mental-and-moral and Holy rights. In connection with revelation of the specified human rights Declaration of holy and mental-and-moral rights and liberties of November 23, 2010 was approved, and the author of the article points out that it relates to the source of law. |
ВСЕГО: 3.00 * 36: 1 (нормально) 3: 1 (плохо) 2: 1 (очень плохо) | |
Сред. 3.67 Дисп. 2.89. Cnt 3 Всего оценок: 1657724 Рейтинг: Сорок лучших Рейтинг: Топ-500 Рейтинг: Избранное | 2 2021/07/23 09:32:36 Mozilla/5.0 3 2023/06/18 11:18:28 Mozilla/5.0 6 2017/06/01 06:16:52 Mozilla/5.0
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
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