Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Jewish Hospital Gestapo Methods (supplement to file bio12e.shtml)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

This file corresponds to another file:

Complete Immigration Drama (And Medical Tools For

Persecution Of Dissidents)




From December to February, 2001 - 2002, next events happened.


(an extract from a wider file)

In November and December, 2002, Immigration has submitted a new demand

to find and submit them another alternative medical opinion. It was as if several

"medical" letters never were already sent to them! We already had alternative

opinions of Dr. Creelensten, Dr. Kesner - cardiologists, Dr. Giannakis,

Immigration's assigned wide-profile medical doctor, Dr. Jast, my mother's

second family doctor, and Dr. Yvan Rohan, her main "family doctor". All of

them considered my mother's heart problems as minor and not demanding

excessive medical care.

I went with her to Dr. Hyman Reisler, who examined her - and did not

find any major heart problem. However, when my mother gave him the

echocardiogram' result, he became thoughtful. My mother motivated

the reason of her visit as next: Immigration claims that she has a grave

heart problem, and, because she is hypochondriac, she can not

live in peace until she'll find out, what is truly with her. Dr. Reisler was

the first MD, who began to doubt the result of the echocardiogram,

which Immigration ordered and my mother did at the New Brunswick

Medical Center. He told us that the echocardiogram looks very suspicious.

Besides the medical data, there were mistakes in the echocardiogram. My

mother's address was incorrect, the name of the doctor, who was doing the

echocardiogram, was incorrect, and the name of the MD, who sent

my mother to do the test, was incorrect. Name of a non-existing Peter Rohan

was there, when in reality my mother was referred by Dr. Giannakis, and even

Dr. Yvon Rohan (with the same connotation in his name) wasn't by then her

family doctor (so that the name "Rohan" appeared absolutely accidentally)!

However, we decided not to redo the echocardiogram yet: who knows,

what it could show after all these turmoil with Immigration, my mother's

suffering, and her depression, caused by offensive Immigration's attitude.

No one can really understand what my mother was going through. All

inconveniences, the hardship and offensive, intimidating behavior of

Immigration officials - was only a half of the problem.

One of the most difficult psychologically tasks was the knowledge that

an organization - a group of people - was constantly waiting for my

mother's health deterioration. If somebody is constantly looking into

your mouth while you eat - you then can not eat. If somebody is

permanently waiting for you to develop a disease, to become sick, you

really begin feeling sick. I remember that this kind of a psychological

torture was mentioned in one of Eastern medieval tractates; I just don't

remember its title. It was considered as one of the most vicious tortures.

Quebec Ombudsman was already involved in my mother's case, and it

already attracted attention of many lawyers and public figures. When

Dr. Kostiuk, whose opinion we decided to obtain, issued my mother

another echocardiogram, we decided to go through it to see what is

wrong with my mother's heart. The new echocardiogram was done at

Montreal General Hospital, and we were told that the decoding will

take from one to two weeks. I was astonished: because at New

Brunswick Medical Center we obtained it (they handed it over to us)

right away, immediately after doing the procedure. Next day I've picked

up the phone and called New Brunswick Med Center. I was lucky that

the secretary has agreed tp call the echocardiogram personnel.

Speaking by a tone of a mighty business person (or somebody

powerful), I've claimed that I'm intended to go through an echocardiogram

test, but I need to know how long the decoding will last. They told me that

it normally takes from 5 to 7 days to proceed the decoding. I pretended to

be surprised - and claimed that one of my friends has this test done - and

received the result immediately, waiting less then 10 minutes. However, it

was around one year ago. They told me that one year ago or more, - it

does not matter. It is impossible now, and it WAS impossible. Well,

maybe in some cases it could take from 2 to 3 days, but IT IS

ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to decode an echocardiogram having a

result right away. I've understood that my mother's echocardiogram at

New Brunswick Med Center WAS prepared in advance on illegal

Immigration's request: a faked one, and that means that Immigration

somehow managed to commit this crime.

Now, when I knew that Immigration have purposefully distorted results

of two medical tests - my fluorography (x-ray), and my mother's

echocardiogram - I've understood an obvious danger, which any visit to

any medical doctor or med. laboratory, or another med. facility, can pose.

Now I was aware that the authorities in Canada, whether acting on their

own or on the Zionist extremists' behalf - could theoretically kill a

dissident through a medical tool.

I have tired many times to receive my mother's full immigration case (file),

and have submitted a proper request from my mother's name. However,

I was refused with no explanations, why. Then we have turned to

a public organization "Hirondelle", which takes care of the legal

matters for people, who have no money to pay the lawyer. An

employee of that body, Mrs. Lolita Kiselev, has submitted a

proper request to Immigration to receive my mother's complete

immigration file. She was refused as well. Then the Quebec

Ombudsman's lawyer, Madame Maitre Scighetti, has submitted

the same request, authorized by my mom. She wasn't refused, but

Immigration was delaying the file's submission. 2 months

have past since her request - and the file was never sent.

We decided to hire a good lawyer, Maitre Doyon, and she has

sent a similar request to Immigration. And again - Immigration

was postponing the submission of my mother's file. However,

Madame Doyon was more persistent. From some indirect

sources (she never told it herself) I found out that she has turned

to some important people stressing her astonishment

about Immigration's unwill to send an ordinary immigration file

of an old age person. It is possible that some deputies were

involved. A possible scandal was forming little by

little. We also could go to the Federal Court - with all related

repercussions. Only then Immigration has submitted the file.

However, it wasn't complete. Everything related to the

medical concerns was confiscated from the file. It meant that

Maitre Doyon could not defend my mother: since the whole

case was based on the medical issues.

Only after a severe struggle we managed to receive my

mother's immigration file. However, even by then it

wasn't complete. The most important (from my point of

view) documents were still missing. First of all, a rapport

of the medical exam done by MD Mrs. Wanda

BRZEZINSKA (an MD assigned for Immigration) in

November, 1994, was still missing. Doctor BRZEZINSKA

has examined my mother for Immigration and on

Immigration's behalf. It was a routine exam, issued by the

existing regulation for all refugee claimants arriving to

Canada. Then my suggestion that it was Doctor

Brzezinska's initial rapport, which generated a medical

ground for Immigration's mockery on my mom, could

find its proof. However, there are several indirect

documentary leads to the missing Brzezinska's rapport,

which may be insufficient for an eventual lawsuit against

Mrs. Brzezinska, but are completely meanful in term to

conclude that she was responsible for a false

medical claim that a) my mother had a kidney abnormality,

and b) that my mother had a grave heart disease, which

will obviously lead to a heart surgery. Reporting to

Immigration about my mother's "illnesses", she told nothing

to my mother or to me, her son, and never sent my mother

to a cardiologist or neurologist; she never sent my mother

to undergo a cardiogram or an echocardiogram, never

sent my mother for a strum creatinine blood test to check

her kidney function, etc. By that Mrs. Brzezinska has

purposely did a serious damage to my mother's health,

social, administrative, financial, and psychological

situation. She was deliberately avoiding sending my mother

to medical specialists - because in favor of Immigration she

was making Immigration's medical inadmissibility claim

unexpected for us - and therefore - prevented us from

taking any legal and medical steps. Besides, other medical

opinions could disagree with Mrs. Brzezinska and

Immigration's evaluation (diagnosis).

Brzezinska's report on my mother's health was

evaluated by two immigration medical doctors

in Ottawa, at Immigration Medical Services


Here is what known from the file.

Immigration File Number -


CIC file number -



Epstein Elisabeta

Date of Exam 1017 - 06 Dec. 1999

(I omit the diagnosis and formulas)


UNDER SUBPARAGRAPH 19 (1) (a) (li) of the Immigration Act

26 Sept. 2000

J. Saint-Germain, MD

W. A. Waddell, FRCSC

On 05 / 13 / 2000 an Immigration officer in Montreal, Vivian Kirimkiroglou,

sends an e-mail to Ann Hislop in Ottawa, to find out about the reasons

behind the postponing of my mother's landing immigrant procedure by Ottawa.

He's writing that my mother "was assessed M5 in 1995, and as of

29 - 12 - 99 registers that she has been furthered".

Anna Hislop responded that in spite that the applicant did "a new medical

in December 1999", they have requested additional medical tests (based

on their former approach towards the applicant).

No comments needed.....

Indirectly another person, Elenor Morgan, was involved in my mother's case.

It seems that it was she behind the whole affair; it probably she pushed the

trigger of my mother's persecutions. She was presented indirectly in a

number of documents. Main of these documents are:

doctor Giannakis' (whose role in my mother's case is still blurry: some

documents of his reports about my mother's health situation are missed in the

file; however, his inimical medical rapport from December, 1999, was favorite

to my mother) rapport to Mrs. Morgan (09 / 26 / 2000), to fax number

613-946-0948 (which is in Ottawa), and Mr. St-Germain's rapport to the

same Elinor Morgan, to the same fax.

Another strange document in the file is a rapport of a consultant, who was

probably invited by Immigration to judge in my mother's case. This medical

consultant's rapport was based not on my mother's real exam (the

consultant never examined my mother), but on the medical documentation

on my mom, provided by Immigration. There is only a non-readable

signature; no name or academic rang of the consultant. So, he's fully

anonymous (as the GESTAPO murderers). The consultation is dated by

Aug. 4 2000 and marked as for EPSE 2553 2113

A radiologist, MD Francis M. Boston, at La Cite medical center at Leo

Pariseau, has intervened in the process of the medical tests, and (it wasn't

required by the "regalement") wrote a statement about my mother's "serious

cardiac condition", based on the x-ray done at La Cite. This comment was

a pure voluntarial initiative, which looks as conspiracy between

Immigration - and this MD.

Another document is the Immigration Medical Services' in Ottawa conclusion,

based on an exam of my mother, done by Wanda Brzezinska. This document

says the following:


This 69 year old refugee claimant was noted on examination to have

cardiovascular and renal abnormalities.

The findings are such that a serious disorder which may be expected

to cause excessive demand cannot be excluded at this time as the

applicant has only been assessed under the medical provisions of

Section 19 (1) (a) (f) of the Act (public health and safety).

Due to the presence of these abnormalities, the applicant should be

informed to seel medical follow-up. A new medical is required if the

Immigration status changed.

Entered in FOSS

Feb 10 1995



S. Bertrand, MD

J. Beltran, MD, FRCPC"

There are well-grounded suspicions that the both names are


In the same time doctor Brzezinska never sent my mother to

an cardiogram or a renal tests. If not from doctor Brzezinska,

then how and where "Bertrand" and "Beltran" obtained the

medical data and based their sinister "conclusion"?

However, an x-ray done at the Reddy Memorial Hospital

for the same medical exam (Nov. 18 1994) - ordered by

doctor Brzezinska, - said that "The cardiopericardial silhouette

within normal limits... - Dr. Armanious".

Therefore, in 1994 Immigration had nothing in particular to support

their claim about my mother's "medical inadmissibility". She had

by then a chronic hypertension, and a moderate atherosclerosis.

She had no kidney abnormalities at all, and a specific heart

augmentation was not a sign of a disease, but a non-

pathological natural individual difference, which she had from

birth. However, she had a cataract and glaucoma, but this

could not become a bias for Immigration's medical assault. So, in

1994 she was relatively a healthy person for her age. Two things

were needed to support her health: an honest medical

assistance and non-stressful life. These were two things

Immigration decided to deprive my mother from: as they

wanted to torpid her landed immigrant claim, they have

decided to achieve it by destroying her life and health....

Indeed, the "medical case" was invented by Immigration in 1994,

when the law about medical inadmissibility was not yet in motion!

They needed it to backup their offence against our refugee claim!

They wanted to secure their position in case if my mother will marry

a Canadian citizen, or receive a positive response in

humanitarian appeal. In violation of the law, a claim about my

mother's medical inadmissibility was missing in the file. It wasn't

among documents, which were in disposition of our lawyers

Maitre Le Brune and Maitre Beauchemin. Both of the lawyers

gave me a full access to the immigration file: and I was carefully

looking over Immigration medical records. The reason was that

Immigration claimed that my wife Alla, and me - we both had

tuberculosis! We were denied an employment authorization

under a "medical excuse"; it was done to put more pressure on

us - and topple our eventual future humanitarian case (which

required an employment situation). Wanda Brzezinska claimed

that she was "defending" us from Immigration; only in 2000 I have

found records pointed at her as an initiator of this matter. That's why

I was searching for my mother's immigration medical records. I felt

that they might do something against my mother, my intuition was

just crying about that. However, I found nothing - because the

February 1995 S. Bertrand's and J. Beltran's insinuation was

missing in the file!

In the same time doctor Brzezinska also said nothing about my

mother's "heart and kidney abnormalities", while Immigration MS

have undoubtfully based this "diagnosis" on Brzezinska's


In violation of the law, in violation of my mother's human rights,

they kept their medical insinuation in secret from us, and our

lawyers, which was already a vicious crime.

However, the whole sequence of events shows that the

Immigration and her medical doctors were deliberately

destroying my mother's health, in other words, they were

gradually killing her - to refuse her the landed immigrant

status by any means!

First of all, doctor Brzezinska gave no medical treatment to

my mother. At Immigration they wrote by big letters


but Wanda did not provide my mother by any treatment for

exception of the blood pressure regulating pills. My

mother was systematically asking Wanda Brzezinska to

send her to a cardiologist (to find a proper treatment for her

atherosclerosis) and neurologist (to see, what is the best

treatment for her hypertension and prevention of an

eventual stroke (in the future). And Wanda was constantly

denying her a reference to specialists. She was denying it

because of two reasons: 1) a conclusion of a cardiologist or

/ and neurologist could confront doctor Brzezinska's and

the medical doctors' in Ottawa medical insinuations, and

2) she and her superiors in Ottawa have decided to destroy

my mother's health by any means....

If my mother was by then treated at least by aspirin, or by

some other medications, was advised a proper diet, and a

proper kind of exercises, etc. - was sent to a cardiologist

and neurologist - it could prevent some deterioration

in her health in 1995 - 1999. Wanda has also denied my

mother an anti-flu vaccine, which could prevent her exposure

to viruses with all the consequences (complications) for my

mother's health. However, Wanda's real goal was to destroy

my mother's health as much as possible.

A sinister personality of my mother's cousin (her mother's

brother's daughter), Sonia (Sony) Kisin (Sony's daughter Lucy

was involved, too) was also behind this sequence of tragic

events. Sony was a "brain center" behind innumerous scam

and cheating affairs. She was connected with many

godfathers of Russian and international Mafia, and her brain

was always playing a number of criminal, financial, and "political"

combinations. A daughter of a big-scale combinator,

vice-commissioner of the intendment material part of the

Leningrad front, connected with Mafia, and a wife of another

big-scale combinator, Leonid Fishman, one of the most

successful underground enterprisers in ex-USSR, who was

always thinking about deals, combinations, and cheating. And

she hated us: my grandmother, her husband, my mother, and


Wanda Brzezinska was not just her family doctor, but her close

friend. And it was Sony and Lucy, who referred us to doctor

Brzezinska. (Attempts to destroy our refugee case by Lucy and

her friend - by then a translator for Maitre Le Brune, - were

already described in other chapters of our immigration drama).

Only years later I understood that a surgery, done by doctor

Waldron, an ophthalmologist, who worked with Wanda

Brzezinska, could be connected to Immigration's conspiracy

against my mother. The surgery was done at Montreal General

Hospital. When we arrived, doctor Waldron was with a nurse;

he prepared my mother to the surgery, and told me to go out.

So, I've waited outside. Later my mother told me that the nurse,

who was in the beginning with Mr. Waldron, wasn't his assistant.

As soon as I left, she disappeared. He did the surgery alone, and

nobody assisted him. He claimed that he did the anesthesiology,

but my mother told me later that during the surgery she was

suffering from tremendous pain. She cried, and she felt like she

was going to die from this unbelievable pain. When she tried to

explain to doctor Waldron that she's suffering from unlimited pain, he

became angry, and said that she's exaggerating. However, I know

that my mother is extremely patient. She complains only when there

is really something unusual. When I tried to find out, what happened

during the surgery, doctor Waldron became angry and started to

shout on me.

Now I suspect more and more that he could act on behalf of

Immigration, and by refusing to do a proper anesthesiology

attempted to damage my mother's heart. I suspect also that

after this surgery my mother suffered from some heart pains

and other complications.

Another method to damage my mother's health was to keep

her constantly under a stress. Madame Roi, Mr. Chiu, and

other Immigration officers, who were assigned to my mother's

file, systematically assaulted her, shouted on her, submitted

aggressive, intimidating letters, committed unlawful, outraged

acts to irritate us and to cause damage to my mother's health.

This all already was described in different chapters of our

immigration drama.

Immigration's tactics was to waste time "infinity" - until

my mother will develop any illness because of her old age.

(Nobody lives more then 80 - 90 years). I believe that - if

we would not hire such a good lawyer as Maitre Doyon -

they could sabotage my mother's landed immigration

procedure for another 10 years,! Like vultures, like carnage

creatures they were waiting for my mother's death. My

mother could not be indifferent towards this cruel watch

of Immigration officials, she always felt that they were

monitoring time of her life, she always was under the


Methods and tricks, employed by Immigration against my

mother, fully correspond and match methods, which

they used against me: falsifying my x-ray result, sending

me to a forcible anti-tuberculosis treatment without any

proof that this diagnosis corresponds to me, etc.

Soon after my mother did a new echocardiogram, and its result

has confronted the result of the previous one, it became

clear that Immigration somehow used a fake

echocardiogram to assume a false result. After new

conclusions of medical doctors, cardiologists - Dr. Kostiuk,

Dr. Creelensten, Dr. Reisler, and Dr. Kesner, as well as

new statements of Dr. Jast, Dr. Rohan and Dr. Giannakis

(all contradicted the "conclusions" of Immigration), and after

our new lawyer's, Madame Doyon, sharp declaration - an

Immigration officer, Madame Cauchesne, called Mrs.

Doyon. She told her that there is no need to go public (this

is what Madame Doyon was planning) or to appeal to the

Federal Court (another option) because Immigration's claim

of my mother's medical inadmissibility was withdrawn now.

However, it was just a verbal declaration....

Me, and Maitre Doyon - we demanded a confirmation (in

writing) that my mother's "medical case" is closed. Mrs.

Doyon received such a document only in February, 2002,

and warned me that now Immigration can stalk the

proceeding of my mother's papers under various excuses

for many months - until finally her landed immigrant papers

would be issued. She sent the above mentioned letter to

us, but we never received it.

However, we have received another letter from

Immigration, saying that my mother's file have benn


Our final victory however did not mean that Immigration

and the powerful people who stand behind it, just gave up,

and now will undertake no steps to kill my mother and me.

In January, 2002, my mother's purse with all her documents

and with 200 dollars inside was stolen in the bus number

165. My wife and my daughters were in the bus with my

mother, and they all were absolutely sure that the purse

was stolen by a small young man, who looked and behave

as an Israeli. It could have a connection with the finalizing

of my mother's immigration case. In police, when we told

that the eventual thief was looking as an Israeli, the

policeman wrote "Arab" instead!

Of course, my mother was distressed by this event;

nothing like that ever happened to her. We had to

appeal for a new social security number for her, a

new medical card, etc.



In February my mother's health has suddenly worsen.

Her high blood pressure (hypertension) was sometimes

out of control, reaching 180 or 190; her insomnia

has deepen, and her legs became more painful because

of the problem with the blood vessel system. In the

same time she've lost contact with both doctor Jast

and doctor Yvon Rohan, her family doctors. She felt

like they stopped to respond to her medical complains

and symptoms. She was expecting that Rohan should

send her to a neurologist and cardiologist, but he told

her to wait a bit - because he was already sending her

to so many specialists in connection with her immigration

case, and now he can not.

In February an Immigration agent called my mother

and told her that soon she'll be invited to Immigration

fro receiving the landed immigrant papers. Soon (in

March) an invitation to appear at Immigration came.

In January, 2002, strange e-mails started to arrive to

me from Israel. Their context was always the same:



Be well


Fri, 31 Aug 2001 04:51:50 +0300


Mon, 20 Jan 2000 12:21:30 +0400


"=?ISO-8859-8?Q?=F8=E9=F7=E9?="<[email protected]>


[email protected]

if social hardship does not warn you microbiology will be next


I've received around 6 of such e-mails, with confused dates (August,

January, September, etc.)

In February Israeli most extremist right-wing party "Moledet" has

criticized my essays on Israel, and the journalist of their official

press organ - "Moledet" - wrote in his article on me that "if we

were MOSSAD, we would put attention towards Lev Gunin's

activity long before". Something like this.

Computer viruses attacks on my computer from Israel became

almost an everyday picture. My friends' e-mail boxes were also

used to attack my computer: like this one -


Re: более полный вариант повести


Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:33:52 +0300


"Faray Leonidov" <[email protected]>


[email protected]

Part 1.2




WAV (audio/x-wav)



In the end of December my wife has became sick after

a New Year party at her work. She has suffered two

days from a strange asymptotic illness.

Then I became sick. The virus has manifested itself only

in sniffing, but it was tormenting and painful. Then I

started to have a migraine, then to urinate every hour.

Then I felt itching somewhere what I'm too shy to

specify. I went to an urologist, to St-Luc hospital.

A urine test and a microbiological test were done.

However, nothing was found. It was amazing! I

suspect that the tests could be falsified. Later I had

pains in the kidney. By then I've already started

to treat myself, and it helped. However, I don't know,

what it was. And this is frightening....

A bit later, January 21 2002, another strange event

has happened to me. I've sprained my finger. I was

just standing in my kitchen, when I felt a sudden pain,

and understood that something is wrong with my

finger. When I came to doctor Jast, he told me that

this is like somebody has twisted my finger. I had

pain in my finger 2 weeks, and till now I don't know,

what happened. I even thought about an esotherical

attack. Exactly when I had this sprain, a suspicious

ad about post-traumatic services to treat bones and

ligaments, came to me via e-mail.

In February strange red marks appeared on my mother's

skin around her neck. They became extremely big and

looked like chancres. She went to Dr. Jast and Dr. Rohan,

but they did not arranged a consultation with a dermatologist

or an allergologist. She also had tremendous pains in her

eyes, and felt like her eyes are burning. She even went to

emergency, but there was advised to visit her ophthalmologist.

She went to two ophthalmologists, but we had an impression

that they did not have a serious attitude to her complains.

Her eye drops were changed giving no relief.

From September to December Simcha, my mother's

husband, fell two times in the street, and was injured.

The second time he broke his nose. By nature of his

injuries I've concluded that he did not fell but was beaten.

At least, it looked like that. Since then he became more

and more aggressive, and his aggressiveness often broke

against my mother. He shouted on her, made aggressive

gestures, even tumbled the chairs.

In the same time another problem - with my mother's new

social insurance number - took place. They had to submit

her a new one in 3 weeks, but more then a month has passed,

and they didn't. I began to call them, and received a respond

that they can not tell me, why a new SIN wasn't sent yet, but

I have to call Immigration - "because they know". I called

Immigration on February 25, at 10.00, and spoke with an

ordinary employer-operator. She told me that does not see

in my mother's file that anything has changed in her situation,

and also said that a remark about her inadmissibility is still

there. Then another person, an aggressive male, took over.

He started to shout on me and to accuse me. In an offensive

tone he claimed that the landed immigrant papers will be never

issued for my mother "until she's alive", and that we (my mother

and me) are responsible for it.

My first intention was not to tell anything to my mother.

Unfortunately, when she came to us on Sunday, Feb.

27, she began to provoke me to tell her. She accused

me saying that I am not calling Immigration, ans so on.

This day I felt a strange pity to my mother, like if I'm

seeing her the last time. I felt something, some fear,

which I could not associate with anything in particular.

So, when I was providing my mother to the bus, I've

told her about my conversation with Immigration.

She became very worried; I don't remember her

in such an irritated, distressed state. In the same

moment the wind has turned her umbrella inside out,

and she was very frighten. I was more worried, and

wanted to accompany her to her home, but could not.

My neighbor and friend, Errol Babwah, has asked me

to help him to fix his computer, and it was urgent. I

have a lot of sympathy to him, and also I owe him a

lot. In all cases of emergencies like illness, my

computer problems, moving furniture, etc. - he

was trouble-free - and always helped and offered his

car to give us a lift in cases of any trouble. I also like

to speak to him and enjoy his company. So, I've

returned home and went to Errol's apartment.

By Errol I've quickly found out that the CD drive,

which he bought, was detective. However, he did

not trust completely my conclusions, and we ran

new and new tests one after another one.

My mother called my family, and told that she

came home. I did not speak to her - because

I was by Errol.

At night I've seen a nightmare, which involved

a "science fiction movie" about persecution of

a dissident (me?). He (or I?) was hiding within

something that probably was a sort of a

transportation station. Then he was hiding among

strange cisterns and other things. However, t h e y

used a smart navigation device - and managed to

kill him (me?). In the same moment a strange

replacement occurred. The dissident was again

alive, but his mother was ill (or dead), lying on the

floor instead of him.

Then a telephone call has waken me up. It was

Errol, who asked me to go with him to the store

to replace the CD drive. Because he was in a

hurry, I had no time to call my mother. They

gave us a computer, a mouse, a keyboard -

everything, and told to test the drive. It was

really defective. Then I found a professional and

super good computer monitor for Errol , which he

managed to buy for only 80 dollars. He was happy

when we came home.

When I have entered my apartment, Marta told

me that the grandmother has called and asked me

to call her. I've immediately dialed my mother, and

she told me that she has a paresis on her face. I took

my daughters - and we left instantly.

We found out that on Sunday, when my mother has

returned home after visiting us, Simcha made a scene.

He shouted on my mother, threatened her, demanded,

why she was absent so long.... The same evening my

mother felt unusual. When she was brushing and

washing her teeth, she felt like her left eye is squeezing.

She felt also like pricking. However, she did not

understand, what happens to her - and did not alarm.

At night she felt some dizziness, but it might be a kind

of dizziness, which she often has "because of her insomnia".

Only in the morning, when she looked at herself in the

mirror, she noticed that one half of her face has been

asymmetrically de-placed. However, she thought that this

might be an inflammation of the facial nerve.

Even when we came, Simcha was aggressive, and tried to

object our arrival saying "why did you have to come? what

happened?" - and later said that there is no need to go to

the hospital; we have to book an appointment with a family

doctor. Well, he's not educated, and non-educated people

have a tendency to think that they know everything better

then all others, and to reject complicated for them schemas

as "fantasies".

In last 2 months I heard from many anti-Zionist dissidents

about accidents with their close relatives. One of them even

told me (after listening to my story) that my mother became

sick actually now, in the time of Israeli major offence against

Palestinian people and against freedom-minded people around

the world, not occasionally..... He was also suspicious about

the fact that my mother's illness coincided with this interview

in Immigration, and happened just 2 weeks before. (A letter

from Immigration with the date of the Interview, arrived, when

my mother has spent her only 1-st day in the hospital).

I've begged my mother not to go to the Jewish General

Hospital. I was intended to transport her to the Montreal

General Hospital. Unfortunately, she was stubborn in her

decision to go to the Jewish General. What could I do?

As I've expected, troubles with the Jewish General began

right away. The telephone near my mother's bed was

not functioning. No dial tone, nothing. Normally

telephones in Montreal hospitals work fine. This is only

one thing that still works fine. I spoke to many people from

the hospital staff - and they did not remember something

like that. I've understood that the telephone was disconnected

on purpose.

My mother was placed in the hospital on the 4-th of March.

The next day a woman came to my mother from the hospital's

Admission Department - and forced my mother to sign a

document "that the telephone in the room is not working".

However, it could be not what the woman claimed it was -

but just anything else!

The next day a bill for paying for the telephone in my mother's

room has arrived. It said that my mother has to pay starting

from the 4-th of March. on the 7-th of March I made a copy

of this bill and obtained a certified statement from my mother's

hospital department's intendant that the telephone was not working

from the 4-th of March. I also wrote next declaration:

"From Elisabetha EPSTEIN

an after-stroke patient

at pavilion "C", 4-th floor,

room # 483

Home address:

5757 Lemieux, apt. 115,

Montreal, QUEBEC

H3W 3H1


I, Elisabetha EPSTEIN, have never used the telephone near my bed at the hospital room

I'm in. Since my arrival to the room 483, floor 4, pavilion "C", on March 5, 2002, the

telephone, installed near my bed, has never functioned. There is no dial tone, no calls

can be sent from or received to this telephone.

My son, his wife, their children, and my husband have informed the medical department's

staff immediately about this problem. Besides, my son went to the Admission room to

report this problem there. A "0" was dialed from another telephone at my department, and

the operator was informed that the telephone is not functioning.

However, today, 7-th of March 2002, I've received a telephone bill if I was using the phone.

I ask you to cancel this bill and submit me a reassurance that I'll not be forced to pay for

the telephone, which is not working.

I must also inform you that I have no income - I am not receiving welfare, pension,

nothing. My husband, Simcha (Israel) CHMIEL, is sponsoring me. However, he's not

receiving a retirement pension, but he's on welfare. I have no relatives, only a son, and

he's presently unemployed, and receives no unemployment or welfare. All of us - we

have no assets, savings or any other property or money.

Any unfair billing will father exaggerate our already tragic health and social situation.

Yours truly,

Elisabetha EPSTEIN

А сору of the above mentioned bill is attached"

At the billing office as well as at the Admission Department they

refused to admit my declaration. I also had a 20-dollars bill with

me - and said that I would like to make a deposit. However, the

employer at the billing wicket refused to issue a bill or a receipt

that I made a deposit. He told me that first the telephone must be

repaired. However, he did not tell me where to turn to make the

telephone working. I've found it out myself, calling the operator.

Next day, on the 8-th of March, the telephone was repaired,

and my mother could make and receive calls. I went to the

Admission Department - and demanded to issue a right bill,

starting from the day, when the telephone would work.

However, at the same day, the 8-th of March, 20.00, incoming

calls have stopped to arrive to my mother's telephone at the

hospital. When I called the operator, dialing "0", I was abused

by her tone, and she also refused to admit that the telephone

was disconnected from the outside calls, and said instead that

"the line is busy". When I called next day, the operator has

started barking at me: an incredible behavior! I have no idea,

how she knew that it was me: I dialed "0" before calling the


The same day, 8-th of March, the same woman came to my

mother from the Admission Department, and again in my

absence. She presented my mother a bill and the document

that my mother was forced to sign - and demanded to pay for

the telephone starting from the 4-th of March. When I came

to the hospital I went to the Admission Department and

demanded to explain, what is going on. They told me that

nobody from them went to my mother and forced her to

sign anything. They said that only the person in the accounting

(billing) wicket is responsible for that. However, he also denied

that anybody from his department went to my mother and that

he has anything to do with it. Then I asked him. why the

telephone at my mother's room was disconnected for the

incoming calls. He said that this is because we are not paying.

I reminded him that I was standing here with a 20-dollar bill,

ready to pay - but he refused to admit my payment. The only

thing I wish - I've told him - is to have a right bill, not from the

4-th of March, when the telephone was not working but at

least starting from the 8-th of March, when the telephone was

repaired. He promised again to "regulate everything".

Another vicious conflict has erupted because of my mother's

doctor, Mrs. Miriam COHEN's, conduct.

Her first visit to my mom was at the 4-th of March, 2002,

in my presence. When she entered, she immediately glazed

at me with hatred. No one could misunderstand this look -

full of abomination and contempt. It was not just a look, but

a message! In spite of that message I've decided to ignore it.

There are lot of strange and extravagant people among all kind

of professions. Besides, some people have psy complexes because

of their law height, or non-classical profiles, or something else.

I tried to be friendly and polite, generating a positive approach

(into myself) towards doctor Cohen. Gradually I was

admitting with horror that it does not work. Doctor Cohen

was cold with me, she was knocking me down, abruptly cutting

off my phrases. She posed a question to my mother, and then

suddenly interrupted me while I was translating it to my mother

in Russian or Yiddish - as if she new Russian and Yiddish and

was angry because of my incorrect translation. She cut me

off then more aggressively while I was translating to her my

mother's responses. She refused to answer any question (given

to her by my mom or by me) concerning medical evaluation of

my mother's condition and the post-stroke complications'

treatment. She has responded to just 1 question: when I

asked her if the post-insult spastic hemiparesis in my mother

could be treated. "It can not be said yet, - she told with a

kind of a malevolence. In the same time she said it in a

humiliating manner as if she was miming-teasing me, laughing

at my semi-medical jargon. All the time she stressed my

individual manner to speak - trying to abuse my English skills.

It's rude and cruel to mock even at a foreign student's

mistakes in English. It is much more rude and unacceptable to

mock at a patient's relative if you're a medical doctor.

It was also strange that while just ignoring all my other

questions doctor Cohen hecticly rejected questions about

some unusual symptoms in my mother prior to the stroke:

like skin chancres around her neck, burning in her eyes,

hallucinations, pain in my mother's cheeks, gorge, nose,

neck muscles and parotid, and other glands, etc. She had

an unexplainable reaction to these questions, like if she was

personally impartial towards them.

Besides, my English is good enough. It is true that it depends

also on my mood and situation, but even in a worse situation

my English is about TOIFL standards. I am taking part in live

literary discussions in English, I've used to work as a translator,

and nobody never told me that my English was so bad. For 1

and a half years I worked in telemarketing for "The Gazette" -

successfully enough. I know that I sound awful in description

(you can feel it from this testimony), but I mean literary

standards, not a routine conversation. I am an author of poetry

and prose in English; I am an author of English essays, which

were published in English newspapers and on-line magazines.

Anyway - my English is understandable, and that's obvious.

Another thing that has concerned me - strange manipulations

with my mother's blood pressure measurements. If the

nurse used to measure my mother's blood pressure as

178 x 80, in doctor Cohen's diary it appeared as 178 x

50. The law heart rate was used by doctor Cohen as an

excuse to decrease the dosage of Haysar and Atenolol,

which my mother was receiving. Because the dosage now

was decreased against the dose that my mother was

receiving usually at home, the picture was now distorted,

and it became unclear - her high blood pressure has a

post-insult or another nature.

I was shocked that the nurses have stopped to tell me,

what medications my mother receives. Later I understood

that they also started to avoid to bring her medications while

I'm visiting my mother.

Meanwhile the patches on my mother's skin, around her

neck, which shown up one month prior to the stroke, and then

disappeared, have appeared again. They were burning, causing

an incredible pain. My mother and I - we complained to the

medical staff with no result. For several days doctor Cohen

was refusing to see my mother. She did not respond to me

greetings. When I used to say "hallo" - she did not answer.

When her second visit to my mother took place, I was with

my daughters. Ignoring me, doctor Cohen turned to my

daughters for translation. She has communicated with my

mother through my daughter Marta, ignoring my attempts to

help. Marta was in trouble to translate some medical terms

and other phrases into Russian, but when I was trying to help

Marta, turning not directly to doctor Cohen, but to Marta: even

then doctor Cohen violently stopped me. She examined my

mother only formally, briefly, as if she would like just

demonstrate that she's doing her duty. She was with my mom

less then 5 minutes. I tried to tell her that my mother is suffering

from tremendous pains, but she did not let me speak. The pains,

which my mother was now suffering from, were gradually

increasing, until became unbearable. She was given only

Tylenol, nothing else, and it did not help.

She felt pains in the same areas of the left side of her head

and in her neck, where they appeared approximately 2 weeks

prior to the stroke.

Doctor Cohen's refusal to explain, how serious is my

mother's condition, what she's planning to do to improve

it, which options do we have - was depressive for both

me and my mother. She refused to tell how long my mother

is supposed to stay in the hospital, what's the next step,

if a rehabilitation hospital might be given to my mother

after she'll be in a stable condition after an initial


I then came to Mrs. Cohen, who was sitting at the desk,

and said that if she's not very enthusiastic to treat my mother,

then maybe she would better transfer her to another neurologist.

She told me that she has 33 patients, and that she's very tired.

This could be taken for the "lack of enthusiasm". However, it

did not explain, why she wasn't answering, when I used to say


I have expressed my concerns to some nurses, because I was

very depressed, and asked the nurses to find out, what can

be done to reduce pain, which my mother was suffering

from. My daughters have cached a bad flu, with cough

and rheum, and could not go to the hospital.

I did not see doctor Cohen for a while. On the 12-th of March

she has appeared at my mother's room - very angry and impatient.

"Do you think that your English is good enough to translate for

your mom, - she told angrily, - don't even think to translate for

your mom: because no Russian can speak English properly!" - I

have told her literary the next ("word in word"): "Why are you

doing it? You've already spoke to me in English, and you know

that my English is understandable!" I did not rise my voice, did

no movement, no angry sounds. She was not provoked by

anything when she suddenly cried: "I'll call security, I'll call police!" -

"Call security, call police, - and me and my friends - we'll turn to

all human rights bodies, to all newspapers!"

Then she went out.

She shouted on me in front of my mother and my stepfather,

who came to visit my mother. Another patient, in the same

room, and her daughter, who came to visit her mother,

witnessed this awful scene. I thought that my mother will have

another stroke right now!....

After this awful incident I was afraid to speak to doctor

Cohen any more. I tried to speak to her through nurses,

asking them to tell her this or that.

On the 7-th of March an echocardiogram was done

to my mother. After the procedure they did not take

her back to her room. She spent one hour in a

wildchair, in a windy place, and then became feeling

a cold. When I asked - what is the result of the

exhoxardiogram, my question was ignored.

I was trying to convince the nurses - and doctor Cohen -

that my mother is suffering from tremendous pain, which

is much beyond of what she can stand. I tried to convince

them that the pain, which my mother has in her cheek and

in her eyes, has nothing to do with the post-stroke pains. I

asked for a consultation of an ophthalmologist and dentist for

her. Doctor Cohen told in my presence (because she was

avoiding to speak directly to me) to a nurse that a

consultation of an ophthalmologist and dentist for my mother

was already filed and submitted according to the rules, but

normally it takes several days. Later all the nurses confirmed

(in conversations with me and my mother) that the consultation

was ordered. However, on the 12 of March, when I've

checked if a demand for an ophthalmologist was filed, I found

out that it was not true. On the 13 of March I went down to

the Dentology department, and found out that there were no

requests, submitted from the Post-Stroke Unit (in Pavilion

"C"), led by doctor Cohen, for a consultation for my mother.

By that time my mother was yelling and crying all the time

non-stop because of the pain - and still nothing was done

to reduce the pain. She was only given Tylenol every 4 hours.

When I was going home from the hospital, strange

personages clearly waited for me at the bus station,

on the corner of Cote des Neige and Cote

St-Catherine: young black guys, who spoke Italian,

French, German, English, POlish, and even Russian.

They accused me in guilt in my mother's suffering -

and told me that "pride will have a fall". I remember

that when my mother once turned to a Russian speaking

rabbi Isia, and begged him to help me to find work, and

he refused to speak to me, on my way home a woman

was waiting at the bus station, and has began to provoke

me to speak and to tell, what I am thinking on Israel.

Now it was a very similar situation. With only difference

that by then they were probably evaluating if I deserve

any help in employment, and mow "they" (of course, I

don't know, who) were evaluating, if I am suppressing

my "pride", and - therefore - my mother deserves to be

treated properly.....

On the 12 of March doctor Cohen came into my mother's

room at the hospital, and told her to sign a paper: without

any detailed explanation or an advise. She told that it is

a pure formality. I have intervened, asking for explanation.

She told (to my mother, not to me) that it is for an MRI

scan. I have insisted that my mother has to consider if she

wants it. Because of some intuitive fear and also because

of some ethical and esotherical concerns, I did not

recommend my mother to sign this allowance and do this


In spite of my advise, she signed it under a condition that

she will be informed as minimum 2 hours before the test -

"because she wants somebody from her family should

accompanying her to the test.

However, on the 14 of March, at 3 00 p.m. - they took

her to radiology without telling her where they are taking

her. After the stroke and under this tremendous pain, my

mother was extremely vulnerable, and they took

advantage of that. The MRI scan was done, while my

mother was staying in the "chacht" more then 50 minutes

(it means that probably not just her brain but the whole

body was scanned).

In my opinion, in next 24 hours after the MRI scan my

mother's condition became rapidly worse. Her face

has completely dropped on one side, pains have

increased, some symptoms of the stroke (which were

absent before) - appeared.

On the 15 of March they took her to a dentist, but

the dentist could only find a cyst or a fat substance,

and a tooth that has to be repaired. They told me

that they will invite a rare specialist next time.

The same day I went to the Radiology Department

and asked them if some essential reading of my

mother's MRI scan are available. They told me -

yes, but sent me to doctor Afilello, at the Emergency.

He was absent, but at the Emergency Department

they could find through the computer network that

tha basic conclusions were done and some additional

notes must be ready on Monday.

However, when I tried to ask Mrs. Cohen about the

MRI result, I was abused again.

Two days before already I went to patients

representative, Mrs. Brown, and asked her if it is possible

to transfer my mother to another hospital. I told her that

I have no intentions to start a legal lawsuit or an official

complain. I refused to tell her what is the reason of my

request. I told her that I can just say that "some outraged

things happened in this hospital". She told me that she has

to see my mother and ask her if she wants to be transferred

to another hospital. However, when Mrs. Brown asked my

mother, she responded that now - when the MRI scan was

done - she wants first to have the results, and has no

intentions to leave the hospital before.

The same day I've received an e-mail form a professor in

Hungary, a specialist in dental medicine and neurology, who

wrote that theoretically it was possible that a facial nerve

inflammation or damage - or even a stroke - could start as

a dental inflammation. He wrote that according to the

symptoms I've described my mother could have not a

stroke but a severe vascular disorder and the facial nerve

diseases with serious neurological complications. If treated

not properly, these complication could lead to brain damage,

especially if brain injuries took place in the past.

The same day (15 of March) I went to Mrs. Brown again,

and she told me that my mother will be released from

the hospital on 19 of March, Tuesday. I did not received

any confirmation of that from the medical staff.

On Sunday, (March 17) my wife has approached dr.

Cohen and asked her in French about my mother's

condition, about the prognosis, the MRI scan results,

and when my mother would be released from the

hospital. Dr. Cohen listen to my wife politely. But

when she understood about what patient my wife is

asking her, she became angry, and said that she has

no time to speak to my wife now, and has no time to

speak to her at all. However, when my wife became

indignated, and began to speak loudly with the

nurses, expressing her feelings, dr. Cohen spoke to

her. She told my wife that the MRI scan reading is

not ready, and that my mother will be released from

the hospital on Tuesday after 11.00 - without any


Next day, March 18, I went to radiology again, and

they could not find the MRI result. Besides, they

could not find any records that my mother had the

MRI scan - as if she was never done it. I asked 2

of my friends, who work in the hospital, to check

that. My mother's friend's daughter also works at

the hospital, and she tried the same, and did not

find any traces that my mother ever had the MRI

scan at the hospital.

I was told by the nurses, what pills my mother was

given in the hospital, for exception of the dropper

injection substance, which she has received in the

first 48 hours in the hospital.

When my mother's eye drops have been finished,

and the small bottle was empty, they refuse to

renew the prescription, and my mother was 4

days without the drops, which are essential in term

to decrease the internal blood pressure in her eyes.

I am wondering if it did a permanent damage to her

eyes. After those 4 days she had problems with

seeing - which could be a post-stroke complication

as well as an effect of not taking the dropps.

On March 18 my mother's husband received a call

from Immigration. A female voice was asking to speak

to Elisabetha EPSTEIN (GUNIN). According to

Simcha, my mother's husband, he did not tell that

my mother was in the hospital. He only told that "she's

not home". About the same time (11.30) they called

me. A woman asked me if my mother will appear at

the interview at Immigration. "Because she's in the

hospital now, we afraid that she can not come - and

we'll delay the interview for 6 months, - she told.

I said in response that only my mother can know if

she will appear at the interview, and that they have

no legal ground to cancel the interview.

On Tuesday my mother was seen by "the specialist"

at the Dentology department. I've recognized him.

It was him, who examined my mother about one

year ago at the same place. My mother has turned

there in spite of my advise not to go there. She

wanted a "third" opinion. Two dentists already

told her that she has a cyst, which must be operated,

and that she has to remove all her teeth - because

there is an infection, and the teeth are half destroyed.

"The specialist" from the Jewish General has an

opposite opinion. He told my mother that she can

keep all her teeth until possible. Because of the

financial reason and because she trusted him more,

she decided not to extract the teeth.

By then, after that visit, my mother had some strange

symptoms, however, I did not remember, which.

N o w "the specialist" demonstratively refused to

speak to me, and was speaking to my mother in

Yiddish. He ignored my questions about what's his

name and how he can be found. He found the source

of my mother's tremendous pain very quickly. It

wasn't the cyst, but a tiny area at her upper cheek,

probably - a muscle. She was crying and jumping

up when he touched this area. He told that he has

to inject something into this area. I asked - what.

He did not answer. However, my mother

immediately stopped me - and told that she

authorize the injection. After the injection the pain

went away - and did not came back. It was as a

miracle. When I asked - what is was - my question

was ignored again.

After that my mother has dressed herself - and

we were ready to leave the hospital. However,

we were told to wait - "because not all papers

are ready". An hour followed an hour - and the

papers "were not ready". My mother's bed was

prepared for another patient, and she had no

place where to go. She was very exsorsted, and

I started to insist that she must leave as soon as


Then doctor Cohen appeared - and told that

they have called an endocrinologist - "because

of the high level of cholesterol, found in blood".

She asked to wait one hour more - and then

my mother will be able to go. I asked, what

the MRI scan revealed. Doctor Cohen said

that it revealed that there is no tumor. What

tumor? - I was astonished. I am asking about

the stroke. - Oh, the stroke, the white tissue in

the brain is damaged. - What part of the

brain? - Cortex. - And what likely caused the

stroke? - First of all, diabetes. - My mother was

never diagnosed by diabetes. - Oh, I mean -

the high blood pressure.

The conversation was finished.

Two and a half hours have passed - and nobody

came. I've understood that no endocrinologist had

to come. It was a lie. I went to the desk. Doctor

Cohen was still there. She told me that we can

go in several minutes, but a dietologist and a

post-stroke medical caregiver (Nadege) has to

solve several questions.

Then my mother went out asking me not to follow

her (she was tired, and wanted to walk a bit).

After several minutes I was also out of the room

looking for her. I've found her near the desk, where

she was asked to sign a paper that she went out

from the hospital against the medical advise, and

responsible for the consequences. I was near to stop

my mother to sign this paper, but doctor Cohen then

said that if my mother will not sign this paper - she

will not be allowed to go out from the hospital, and

will not be able to appear at the interview ay

Immigration. Doctor Cohen pretended that I told

her about Immigration, but it wasn't true.

They wanted to force my mother to sign another

paper saying that if she leaves now - she has to

pay for all future medical services herself - until

she returns to the Jewish General Hospital, but

I said categorically that my mother is not going

to sign this paper.

My mother was released without any document that

she was in the hospital, without any medications,

and even the prescription was given her after a brief

fight. However, the dosage in the prescription was

for some drugs incorrect, for others - skipped.

As soon as my mother found herself at home her

pain have immediately decreased. However,

comparing to the day of her admission to the

hospital, her condition has been worsen. She

could not stay at home in such a condition, and,

after receiving the landed immigrant papers,

made an appointment to a doctor, whom she has

already visited before. He told me that without

a formal paper from the Jewish General Hospital

we can not do anything. He said that my mother

can not be treated, admitted to another hospital,

have other tests - nothing!

On the 21-st of March, at 11.00, I went to the

Admission Office of the Jewish General Hospital

trying to obtain the official discharge from the

hospital paper. I was refused with no explanation!

After taking my mother to the doctor, my daughter

Marta went with an official request from this doctor

to the Jewish General Hospital, and was told that

they will submit an answer for this request in 10


They knew pretty good that in 10 days my mother

can die without medical help!!!!

Now the last doubts have been disappeared:





















The echocardiogram was done to my mother without any

demands or requests from me - or other people. In the

same time the consultation with the dentist, and some other

procedures were done only because of mother's family

doctor (Yvon ROHAN) request to Mrs. Cohen, or a woman,

who was hospitalized in my mother's room (Mrs. Lobelle)

intervention, or Mrs. Lean Brown intervention. Why then

the echocardiogram was done without on Mrs. Cohen

initiative? I think - because a) she was saving her ass,

and 2) because she has fully cooperated and

coordinated her actions with Federal Immigration.

Last events with the calls from Immigration from one side -

and Mrs. Cohen's awareness about my mother's interview

from the other side - have proved it.




My mother's grandfather (her mother's father) had a

stroke in age of 76

My mother's father had a high blood pressure, and

he died in result of the old age marasm and traumatic


Her aunt (father's sister) died from a stroke

Her cousin (here, in Montreal) - had a brain tumor

and a hypertension.

Her niece in Toronto has a funny blood pressure.

Her son (me) suffers from hypertension.

There are other family members, who had a stroke

or died from a stroke.

OBJECTION: all family members had severe brain

injuries, including my mother. Almost all were persecuted

by one or other authorities, and it means that their strokes

could have not a natural case - but a post-injury nature.

There is something in the family, which could be called

an epidemy of brain injuries. I myself was beaten 3 times

(the batteries were orchestrated by Soviet and Israeli

authorities). I had brain concussion 2 times.


My mother began to suffer from migraine after she -

an investigator in the District Procurator - was fired

from her work with threatening her life consequences.

It was in the beginning of 1950.

Practically, she was persecuted by the authorities many

years, but refused to admit it even in her thoughts.

She was beaten by her husband, my father, and once

received a head injury.

When she was temporarily separated with her husband,

she once fell - and received another head injury.

Because of the injuries or her work as a teacher, which

in the Soviet school was a difficult task, she started to

suffer from moderate hypertension.

In 1973 in Mogilev she fell down because it was slippery,

striking her head. She's sure that it was a self-inflicted

trauma, but there was a possibility that KGB could have

something to do with that.

She was afraid to be hospitalized in Mogilev, a stalinist

city with a vicious anti-Bobruisk (our native city)

agenda. That's why in spite of a tremendous trauma

she went to Bobruisk on a bus.

In Bobruisk she did not went directly to the hospital

(because her students had an exam but was admitted

at a hospital only 2 days later).

She was diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage,

and was told later that normally people don't live

after such an accident.

Since then she had a hypertension, and an atherosclerosis

has began to develop in her.



1. Stresses because of the illness of her mother,

persecutions of her son (me), exposure to

radiation of her other son (my brother), and

his death in 1990, in age of 26.

2. In 1994 we were practically deported from

native Belarus to Poland, but in Warsaw were

kidnapped by Israelis, and taken to Israel

against our will. In Israel my mother had

innumerous stresses, injuries, and her health

situation has rapidly bewcame worse.

3. In Montreal her health suddenly improved,

but our immigration drama, and outrages

persecutions from the Federal Immigration

were slowly destroying her health.





(Composed by my mother for Quebec's Omdbusman)

1. 1991. Deportation of my son and his family from our native Belarus. I had no chance but to go

with them.

2. 1991. Warsaw. Here we were kidnapped by Israelis - and taken to Israel by force (instead of going

to Germany - as we planned).

3. 1991 - 1994. Persecutions, batteries, discrimination in Israel.

4. 1994. Coming to Canada (Quebec): applying for a refugee status.

3. 1997. Refugee status denied. An intervention of Israeli embassy - and the Jewish organizations

took place.

4. 1998. A primary decision of the Federal court in our case was abolished after an intervention of the

Jewish organizations and (personally) Mr. Rosenberg.

5. 1998. My humanitarian appeal.

6. 1998. I was married a Canadian citizen.

7. 1999. My humanitarian appeal was cancelled by Immigration without my participation "because of

my marriage".

8. 1999. Marriage interview: my marriage was not recognized "because of the medical concerns".

However, this decision was later replaced by another - unclear - document, which made impossible

to appeal to the Federal court.

9. 2000 - 2001. Immigration's "medical attack" against my son: medical data was falsified, attempts to

treat my son from sickness he did not have, tool place.

10. 2000 - 2001. The same "medical attack" against me. I think that the real reasons behind it was my

son's criticism of the human rights' violations in Israel [http://www.total.net/~leog/Library/essays.htm]

- and my former refugee claim against Israel. The usage of medical matters for political persecutions is

the most tremendous outrage in the human rights field. I believe that Immigration's Medical Services

and other divisions were systematically damaging my health and my social / mental state on purpose.

I suggest that I personally - and the Quebec as a province, where it took place - should be

compensated for the damage it caused.

11. Immigration's refusal to produce any decision in my case since the marriage interview in 1999. An

open statement by Mr. Chiu, Immigration officer, that there will be no decision.

12. Minister's of Immigration office (where I've appealed) was avoiding to treat me as a wife of a

Canadian citizen. They suggested that I should go on Ministerial Permit, which is impossible because

of my financial situation, and in principle.

13. Mr. Cotler's (Federal deputy) secretary opinion that I "should be punish more" for my refugee

claim against Israel.

14. Since 1994 I am still in a limbo. Help me!

P.S. In some letters from the Ministry of Immigration was mentioned indirectly that I was finally

considered as "medically ineligible". However, I never received an official and direct decision.

Labeling me as "medically ineligible" was a criminal misconduct, and included falsification and

misinterpretation of the medical data, deception and administrative mischief. For more details

read Document 4.


3 - 4 months prior to the stroke.

a) Strange skin problems around her neck. Maybe

a result of an endocrinal problem

b) Pain in the eyes, eyes are burning.

c) Higher then usual blood pressure

d) A pimp in her nose; something like a flu

e) Pain in the dental area, insomnia and depression

Stressful situations:

a) A vallet, stolen in the bus

b) Bad financial situation

Days before the stroke (the same day):

a) Immigration's assauly

b) Dispute with the husband

c) Depression increases



CT scan - no clear results.

Diagnosis "stroke" is under the question.

Dropper was installed.


Dropper with an unknown substance.

Doctor Cohen cancels the dropper 34 - 40

after the admission.

Medication: Atenolol, Hyazaar, Plavics,

Norvask (this one - only in the last days in

the hospital), Tylenol.


Facial hemiparesis, that's all.

Nurses carefully examined my mother in front of me;

she had no symptoms, associated with the stroke.

She could beg her neck close to her chest. She could

get up her legs while sitting, and move her foots in all

direction. No reflex was affected. She could follow

an object by her eyes. She could point her nose

precisely with her finger. Etc.

Nothing was matching the stroke.

However, she suffers from tremendous pain, which

disappeared as soon as she leaves the hospital on

March 19.

Her blood pressure immediately stabilized after

she left the hospital - and became around 140

to 80 - 90 with only 1 - 1 and a half 50 ml

Atenolol's tablets and 1 tablet of Hyzaar.


The overage - 170 x 80 (90).

7 or 9 times in 2 weeks her blood pressure was

140 or 130 to 70 - 90.

Hovewer, doctor Cohen deliberately distorts the

messurements ("law" heart rate), and decreses Atenolol.

Her blood pressure immediately stabilized after

she left the hospital - and became around 140

to 80 - 90 with only 1 - 1 and a half 50 ml

Atenolol's tablets and 1 tablet of Hyzaar.


March 7 - echocardiogram

March 14 - MRI

March 15 and 19 - dentist's consultation



Now we have 5 medical opinions that my mother

is suffering not from a stroke, but from bells palsy,

This is a finalized and complete diagnosis. From

an Internet forum and from the same professor,

who responded to my e-mails before, I know now

that there were no doubt that Dr. Cohen knew my

mother's real diagnosis from the very first moment.

Now I know also that Dr. Cohen is not a neurologist

(as she has presented herself to us: it was just her

another lie). When she told us "my name is Cohen,

doctor Miriam Cohen" - it was incorrect. Her

family name is Cohen, but her personal name is

not "Miriam". It is clear now that her misconduct

was planned prior to the moment she has seen

my mother and me, and she was just a chain in a

wider scheme of fraud and conspiracy. My

consultants' opinion is that doctor Cohen (as a

medical doctor working in the hospital) should

understand that my mother has a bells palsy

from such elementary symptoms as pain behind

one's ear, luck of any post-stroke symptoms,

or muscle dysfunction, which doctor Rohan

admitted in my mom before the "stroke". I

personally told her about doctor Rohan's remarks

and observations, but she ignored everything.

Doctor Cohen pretended that my mother had a

stroke because she wanted to damage my mother's

health. If steroids were ordered to my mother in

time, the hemiparesis, caused by bells palsy, could

disappear within days or weeks. Now it might be

too late. Forcing my mother to suffer from tremendous

pains, doctor Cohen tried to destroy her heart. A

considerable damage was done to my mother in the

Jewish General Hospital. And it was done deliberately,

on purpose. Eventual motivation behind these events:

a) Jewish General Hospital participated in Immigration's

cover-up; 2) they have panished my mother to panish


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